One software covering all your business.

"Work seamlessly together across all functions of your business. Connect data, drive intelligent decisions and optimise processes."

Customise, extend and scale as needed.

Brilbook is a secured web platform with a comprehensive set of enterprise grade features to allow building an integrated business system. All Brilbook Solutions are created as extensions over the Brilbook platform and are further customisable and extendable as needed by your business.

A software that grows for and with your business.

Seamlessly connect your data, teams, customers, vendors and other third-parties on one platform that can grow and enable you to grow your business.

Brilbook Mobile UI
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Build applications for your team or an end-to-end process automation for your business.

Brilbook provides a continually upgraded secured application platform with broad set of features which allows you to build and scale any application as your business needs for any of your teams and extend & scale it further as your business grows.

  • A secured web platform with broad set of features.
  • Smart industry specific plug-n-play solutions.
  • Customisable for each client as needed.
  • Ability to integrate with any new of legacy systems.
Platform Features